The Experimentalfilm Workshop e. V. as legal body of the European Media Art Festival distributes programmes with experimental films and art videos in Germany and abroad.
We also offer special programmes like >Underground Zero< or >Europe in Shorts< as well as experimental feature films like >Decay of Fiction< by Pat O'Neil, >Tom< by Mike Holboom or the body of film works of Rotraut Pape and Klaus Telscher.
After every year's festival the EUROPEAN MEDIA ART FESTIVAL resp. the Experimentalfilm Workshop e.V. selects film and video packages out of the festival programmes. This touring packages are presented in galleries, cinemas and museums in Germany and abroad.
We, the enemy
With the headline “We, the Enemy” the EMAF 2014 reflected on the facts which the whistleblowing of Edward Snowden about the activities of NSA and other secret services laid open, and asked: Are we the enemy? How does the order of things changed in our digital world today? Who is monitoring what and whom and why? If and how we can be free in the digital world sounds like a contradiction these days: what makes us transparent on one hand seems very useful and handy as well. In this dilemma only a reflection about the state of things helps and so do eight artist-films from different perspectives. Among them are three award winners of EMAF from the various categories.
You can rent the tour package at Ralf Sausmikat by mail rsausmikat(at)emaf.de or phone 0541-21658
After the tours the film and video prints are archived and distributed for single or package screenings.
Download Tour 2012
Download Tour 2009/2010 - Social Arts
Download Tour 2008/2009
Download Tour 2007/2008
Download Tour 2006/2007 - Deutschlandreise
Download Tour 2006/2007 - Remapping Europe
Download Tour 2005/2006 - Public Relations
Download Tour 2005/2006 - The Future is now
Download Tour 2004/2005 - Teil 1
Download Tour 2004/2005 - Teil 2
Download Tour 2001/2002
Download Tour 2000/2001
Download Tour 1999/2000
Download Tour 1998/1999