Irony in Media Art
Subversive Interventions
This year’s EMAF addresses precisely such ironic interventions, as well as major and minor rebellions in Media Art. Transcending the boundaries between film, sculpture, action and performance, artists playfully develop their social criticism, keeping a close watch on socio-economic conditions. Taking elements from day-to-day media, they comment on the distribution of power and prosperity in society, creating collages bristling with irony. Intelligent wit and a none-too-serious tackling of political issues – the artists’ passion for discovery and taste for open play create unexpected solutions.
Scroll through the festival programme 2015!

About EMAF
EMAF is one of the most influential forums of international Media Art. As a meeting point for artists, curators, distributors, galleries and an audience of experts the festival has a great impact on the topics and aesthetics of Media Art. Each year the festival offers its visitors a current overview of experimental films, installations, performances, digital formats and hybrid forms, ranging from personal and political subjects or formal experiments to provocative statements from the pulsating area of "Media Art – Society". The Festival sees itself as a place of experimentation and a laboratory where extraordinary works, experiments and ventures are created and presented.

Istvan Kantor
"I'm a refugee. An art criminal. I come from nowhere and I belog nowhere."
EMAF presented the 'rebel of art' in its exhibition from 22 April - 25 May 2015.
Outstanding entertainment during the evenings!
Check out the comprehensive range of music events and performances at this year's festival.