Performances & Music

Brinkmanns Zorn Director's Cut: The Super 8 Films
Editing and camerawork: Rolf Dieter Brinkmann 1967-1970
Production, realisation, music and montage: Harald Bergmann
Film Concert
Musicians: Boris Meinhold (git), Paul Kleber (bass), Harald Bergmann (keys), Benny Glas (drums) a.o. solists.
In 1969, Rolf Dieter Brinkmann joined forces with Ralf Rainer Rygulla to publish the anthology “ACID”. He translated and included texts of Warhol, Frank O‘Hara, Ron Padgett, Michael McClure, Bukowski and authors of the Beat Generation such as Burroughs, Kerouac and John Giorno. Thanks to this edition, the new American scene and its concept of art immediately become known in Germany. Inspired by film experiments of the New York Underground, Brinkmann started filming using Super 8 during this transitional period of rebellion and student protests by the '68 generation. Brinkmann edited and screened them at functions and parties with separate music. Comprising cut-up sequences, collage films and music, a music film was created that has no need for language – its energy and intensity are drawn from the interplay between rhythm and image.
22. April, ca. 22:15 h , Lagerhalle Osnabrück
The Audiovisual Salon
This year, too, the Audiovisual Salon (AV Salon) sees itself as a forum for sound art combined with visual media. The feeling for sound and visual experience is enhanced against the impressive backdrop of the Bergkirche, offering visitors to the EMAF 2015 the opportunity to experience unique audiovisual aura.
AV Salon_Part 1
Optical Machines (NL)
Ulrich Schnauss with live Visuals by Nat Urazmetova (UK)
The AV Salon kicks off with the Dutch project Optical Machines. Using homemade analogue instruments consisting of a special lighting device, cameras, glasses and analogue synthesizers, they create fascinating images with a hypnotic effect, borne solely by the light, evoking the origins of visual music.
Electronic musician Ulrich Schnauss will give an audiovisual concert devised in cooperation with media artist Nat Urazmetova. Schnauss’ internationally acclaimed sound, oscillating somewhere between rhythmic electronica and ambient, is evocative of Krautrock pioneers with its synthesizer sound, and underscored by an atmospheric visualisation close to live cinema.
23 April, doors 20:30 h, start 21:00 h, Bergkirche Osnabrück

AV Salon_Part 2
Sculpture (UK)
On Friday, the AV Salon audience can look forward to a special audiovisual performance by British artist duo Sculpture. They will put on a wild mix of playful electronic sounds, analogue and digital cut-ups, algorithmic programming and live improvisation, creating a psychedelic trip that should not be missed. Visualisation with the “Zoetrope Turntable”, a modified Laserdisc-Player equipped with special discs, is bound to be a memorable experience.
24 April, doors 20:30h, start 21:00h, Bergkirche Osnabrück
Outside performance
Visual Guerilla
Attention: Facades of the city under Picture-Flak! Keep your eyes open!
We are RaumZeitPiraten, a space and time bending artists collective. We started working in 2007 as a group because we felt the need to get out of the spirals of egocentric self- stimulation.
With their site-specific, performative installations they create ephemeral models of unperfect mensch-maschine counter worlds questioning calculated realities, scientific accurateness and anorganic, machine dominated behaviour.
With custom-built opto-acoustic instruments they are misusing and remixing ancient and up-to-date auditive and visual technologies for heterogeneous, organically improvised light and sound architectures.
Their activities are aimed at playful, experimental connections of sound, image, object, space and time to an alternately-self-expanding-multimedia-performance- surroun-spaceship-laboratory-travel to somewhere between science and fiction.
24 April, after dusk, city/festivallocations

Nachtschicht - EMAF Campus Clubbing
Born in Flamez (DJ Set)
Forum (Live Electrics)
Alienata (DJ Set) & Live Visuals by Kevin Paschold (The29Nov Films)
Boxshort & Gausmann (DJ Set)
EMAF and the night hours merge once again to create a special event: sophisticated clubbing for action-hungry night owls of Osnabrück!
The line up: Born in Flamez, a transhuman experiment hides behind a mask, undermines gender and genre with a wide variety of influences, somewhere in the deep regions of industrial pop and future electronic.
The collective Forum wanders along the paths of analogue and digital sound aesthetics. Influenced by late 80s Detroit- and Chicago-techno, they hit the current zeitgeist perfectly. Their live sets are created individually for each club gig, and the huge number of equipment will get you dancing.
Alienata from Berlin follows, using a special AV set to cast her sweaty, powerful and atmospheric techno, acid, wave and IDM sets into the club. She has often caused heart palpitations in various clubs and at festivals. She will be supported by video artist Kevin Paschold, part of the VJ duo “The29Nov Films”, which is responsible for an incredible 5,000 clips by famous techno producers.
It’s then Boxshort & Gausmann’s turn to traverse body and soul with their complex genre mix of bass music. Their rare DJ sets are a raw joy of music, coupled with over 15 years’ experience behind the turntable. And what else awaits us? Expect the unexpected!
24 April, 23:00 h, Dr. Vogel Club
In his live performance comprising remix video songs expanded by sound components and performance, Kantor will use autobiographical songs about his life-long activities as art rebel. His fame was gained in part by his radical interventions in museums and galleries, leading several times to his arrest and imprisonment. Istvan Kantor, also known under the name of Monty Cantsin, calls himself a "neoist open popstar". Kantor will pose on stage and invite audience members to pose with him and take their own selfies throughout his performance.
25 April, 21:00 h, Haus der Jugend

Nachtschicht - EMAF Cube
Sonic Robots/MR 808 Drum Robot Performance
Tellavision (Live)
Kid Schurke (Synthesizer Performance)
Locoto ( DJ Set)
Arthur Fast (Digital Live Paintings)
The Zauber at the Kulturhof will be transformed into the venue for extraordinary performances for a night.
Artur Fast will demonstrate what a talented artist armed with a drawing tablet is capable of. The graphic artist and excellent illustrator will connect up to the in-house projector and set out on a graphic journey accompanied by Stuttgart DJ project Locoto, which will set the musical frame for the night with a stylish range of sounds.
Tellavision – a distinct sound cosmos from Hamburg. Using live looped sounds and a charming voice, the artist creates a pulsating Euro-American art-pop hybrid with deliberate lo-fi settings.
Let's get mechanical: Sonic Robots - an electronic music performance involving “acoustic robots” or “sound machines”. Both terms are fitting when it comes to Moritz Simon Geist from Dresden and his oversized illuminated musical robot MR-808, built like a brick shithouse. In this case an electronic music performance involving mechanical robots! Absolutely worth seeing and hearing!
Kid Schurke is a musician from Zurich with a soft spot for complex compositions played on synthesizers the size of a handbag. This rascal is simply fascinating. Long live minimalism!
25 April, doors 22:00 h, start 22:15 h, Zauber von OS