A cheerful family get-together in a summer garden, the grandmother, the father, uncles and aunts with their children. Yet winter soon sets in, Christmas, the kids start school, go to university, then summer comes around again. Yet with our eagle-eyes, we notice that something has changed, the father falls ill, the grandmother thinks about her life coming to a close and, with a vacant expression, we watch life go by. Something appears to be wrong with the earlier image of the ideal family, something significant remains hidden in the jungle of memories.
MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Family Affairs

Ein Glück > Annegret Sachse / DE / 7:05 / GP
Argos Augen > Maria Manasterny / DE / 6:15
Liebes Tagebuch > Myrien Barth / CH / 8:24 /WP
La Vague > Irene Muñoz Martin / CH / 13:08 / GP
Vielleicht ist die Zeit ein Axolotl > Maria Manasterny / DE / 7:15
Das satanische Dickicht – EINS > Willy Hans / DE / 29:49
MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Ein Glück
Annegret Sachse / DE / 7:05 / GP

MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Argos Augen
Maria Manasterny / DE / 6:15

MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Liebes Tagebuch
Myrien Barth / CH / 8:24 /WP

MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
La Vague
Irene Muñoz Martin / CH / 13:08 / GP

MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Vielleicht ist die Zeit ein Axolotl
Maria Manasterny / DE / 7:15

MediaCampus / Sa, 25. April 2015 | 21:00 / Zimmertheater
Das satanische Dickicht – EINS
Willy Hans / DE / 29:49